Spillebranchen takes it very seriously that our members offer products that may involve a risk to a small group of customers who may be affected by problematic gaming behaviour. Just as alcohol producers have products that can lead to alcohol abuse, there are risks associated with offering games.
Spillebranchen actively supports research into a gambling addiction and gambling addiction treatment facilities to help people with gambling problems.
There is no indication that the number of gambling addicts in Denmark has increased significantly since the introduction of the licensing system in 2012. However, access to many different types of gambling has become much easier. The available data show that fewer Danes are playing gambling games today than in 2005, but slightly more Danes are experiencing gambling problems, even though the numbers are very small. On the other hand, the fewest risk players in 2005 are still risk players today (20 per cent), which is highly positive.
The risks can not be eliminated through, e.g. a ban on advertising for gambling in Denmark, which likely will only lead Danish players to apply to foreign gaming websites that are not under the control of the Danish authorities and do not pay gaming fees in Denmark. At the same time, on foreign websites, there is not the same protection for the players, as they, e.g. are not required to search the Register of Voluntary Excluded Players (ROFUS) when registering a new customer, so self-excluded players are prevented from playing.
New research from the Italian health authorities also casts doubt on the effect of a ban (90 percent of players from Italy do not think advertising makes them play more).
You can read more about gambling addiction on the Center for Ludomani’s website